Tuesday, November 16, 2010

J is for Jam

Oh my goodness—this was an awesome date! I’ll admit when Ed walked in with a pallet of strawberries and said “We’re making Jam!”, I had my doubts. I mean, my mamaw makes jelly, and though I’ve never watched her closely, it looks like a lot of work! Well, I’m here to tell you that jam is 1) easy to make, 2) really really good, 3)healthy, and 4) a real blast to make with someone! Ed brought home strawberries—6 pints, a case of small jars, and some Sure-jel (maybe I spelled that right). Our strawberry jam is healthy because we substituted Splenda for sugar. I was skeptical, but it was DELICIOUS! After we macerated the strawberries, we had to boil them for “exactly 1 minute” according to the directions. So, we whipped out the iphone timer and it was on. The tricky part was actually jarring the jam. We have to pour the jam in the jars while they’re sitting in boiling water, then we have to cap them with one tight turn. Oh, and that lid, it’s been sitting in boiling water too! We did it though, and apparently we did it right because all of our jars went “POP”. It was likely music to my ears!! The sound of success! Hahaha. The only problem I see with making jam is that you have to wait 24 hours for it to set up. I couldn’t wait the whole 24 hours so the next morning, I had some on my bagel and looooved it! Whether you’re alphabet dating or not, you need to make your own jam. I’m in love with the strawberry splenda jam, which is obvious by my eating it every morning! And, there are directions in the Surejel packages. Trust me, you don’t have to be Martha Stewart to pull this one off—it really is easy. And, now that we’ve done it once, we’re ready to make a lot more jars (since I go through it so quickly). We’re going to pick peaches ($4 for a big basketful) and make peach jam as well. This data was an A in my book, or should I say a J?!?!

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