Monday, November 22, 2010

S is for Symphony

S came about kind of randomly. I subscribe to Groupon, a daily deal site. If you haven’t checked this out, you should—it’s saved me some hard core cash! One day, the groupon was for an Alabama Symphony Orchestra performance where they were having a guest saxophonist! I checked with Laurel to make sure Ed wouldn’t totally hate this before I bought it. We went to the Alys Stephens Center for the performance. It was the first in a series of performances that they are calling “Classical Edge”. It was really cool. The man who composed most of the arrangements is on staff at the ASO, and he was there to talk about them and how he wrote them and everything. It was a really casual performance, with the composer and conductor having conversations about the music on stage. That provided a lot of insight into the music, which is great, because I don’t pretend to know anything about composing. We both really enjoyed ourselves—part of the time, I just closed my eyes and listened. The music was beautiful—the ASO does an excellent job! After the show, we went to Maki Fresh to get some sushi (if you get there within the hour before they close, all premade sushi is half-priced). A great evening, and first for the both of us!

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