Monday, November 22, 2010

O is for Opener

As in the season opener for Alabama Football! Woooo Hooooo! Being a graduate of the University of Alabama, I’m a diehard Bama football fan. But, Ed isn’t from Alabama, and really doesn’t have a college allegiance since he’s gone to all those smart, Northern schools that excel in all things non-sports, and some ice hockey too. So, he’d never been to a big football game, and of course, I’ve been looking forward to football season since it ended in January! When the time finally came to buy tickets this year, I bought 2 tickets to the opening game in hopes that he would want to go with me. Then, I had the bright idea to somehow include the game into our alphabet dating game. Ok, a friend of mine told me this was cheating, but I just don’t think so. It was still a date I had planned, Ed didn’t know about it yet, and I really thought it would be a fun date! With some friends help, we figured out that our alphabet game would probably land perfectly on the letter O….so Opener it was! Ed did figure out what it was—I had to tell him the date, and approximation of the time, and I had to tell him we were going to Tuscaloosa that day so that he wouldn’t make other plans. He put two and two together and just asked me about it the day before. So, I was a little bummed that I didn’t get to see his excitement when he figured out what it was, but we had a blast either way. And, he was totally excited to go to a big college football game. Might I add that since that game, he has become somewhat of an Alabama fan….oh, and he doesn’t care for Auburn, which is just a winner in my book! Roll Tide Roll!

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