Tuesday, November 16, 2010

K is for Kite

K wasn’t all that difficult a letter. I had a few really good ideas like kiln (ceramics) and kayaking. The ceramics place I wanted to go was closed permanently—ugh! And, I couldn’t get the kayaking trip booked in time. So, Ed’s sister helped me come up with Kite! It’s a mighty good idea, if I may say so myself, and a very cheap, fun date. First, I made a key lime pie to follow up the steak sandwiches I prepared for dinner. Key lime pie was the only food I could think of that started with a K—maybe I just wasn’t thinking outside the box, but that’s all I had! Lol! I got the kites at Target—way cheap! Since it was the end of summer, I got them for only 79 cents each! I mean, for that price, I went ahead and bought 2 so that we could see who was better at the kite-flying! I searched the web for various public parks near me that have large green spaces. I found a nice cozy park that also had a laKe and some ducKs. When we got there, we walked around the lake to the open green area. And, what do you know—even with a lake, there was no freakin wind! Can you believe that?!?!?! We roamed around the park a little while, let Sweetie chase at the ducks, took in the nice evening. And, what do you know—still no wind! Since wind is kind of vital to art of flying kites, we had to postpone K. Wind 1, Amy 0! We did end up going to another park on a mighty windy day and had a great time playing with the pups and flying kites!

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