Tuesday, November 16, 2010

L is for Loaf

Looking back, I’m realizing that a lot of our alphabet dates were centered around food. Oh well, at least we agree that life pretty much revolves around making food lots of fun! I had no idea what Ed had up his sleeve with L. When I was thinking about it myself, I was drawing a blank! He actually beat me home from work on L day, which was a total shocker. He had gone to specialty health food stores and bought all the things we needed to make 2 different kinds of flourless, yeastless bread. We made a flaxseed bread and an almond flour bread. They were both very different to me. Ed had made the flaxseed bread before, but not the almond flour one. I was pleasantly surprised with both. We made the mini loaves, and I had a couple slices of the flaxseed bread while we waited on the almond bread. Let me just tell you—that almond flour bread was dyn-O-miiiite! I had quite a few slices with some of our strawberry jam on top, and that’s what I had for dinner that night!! Ed had Leftovers, but I was completely content with the bread and jam! Sad, I know. I did love this date idea because I had never made any kind of bread before. Mostly because I need instant gratification and bread usually takes a day or 2 of waiting on things to happen. And, this showed me that I can make bread in less than an hour and it really is quite good. Overall, I was really impressed with it after having such low expectations about flourless bread!

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