Monday, November 22, 2010

Q is for Questions

For all the vowels I’ve had, I couldn’t believe I would get another letter so hard. I’ll grant you that there are a lot of q words in the English language, but try planning a date with one of them—it’s not easy, my friend! This one came to me out of nowhere though. Laurel had text me asking if I wanted to go to Blackwell’s Pub (see P date) for dinner one night. I didn’t get the text until about an hour after she sent it, so she was already there. When I responded, she let me know that I should have come because they had live trivia. It hit me right then—I could do q for questions and we could play trivia! There’s actually a Birmingham Live Trivia League (which I didn’t know), but they do live trivia just about every night of the week at different bars and restaurants around town. I called around and found a few options. I talked to some friends to see when they might want to participate—let’s face it, you need a lot of minds to do well in trivia! We ended up going to Buffalo Wild Wings on a Friday night. That worked out well because we had a great time! We even won first place, and were awarded a $50 gift card to BWW!!! Our team name, which had to start with a Q, was qqchacho. While we were there, we learned about the trivia league, and, since we had gotten the first place points that night, we had the potential to make it to the league semifinals. Members of our team have gone back every Friday night since then to build our points, and we made it into the semifinals! That’s next Sunday night—we’re really excited! If things work out well, then our Q date may just earn us some cash. I mean, it’s already gotten us some free food!

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