Monday, November 22, 2010

M is for Museum

M wasn’t a hard letter for me. There were quite a few options, but I decided to do something on the less expensive side because we weren’t experiencing a windfall! Lol! I decided a museum was the way to go. We have quite a few museums in Birmingham, but I really wanted to go to the Birmingham Museum of Art. First, we went to Momma Goldberg’s Deli for a yummy Sunday lunch—their nachos just rock my world. Then, on to the Museum of Art. There was a special exhibit on Japanese kimonos called Fashioning Kimonos—absolutely beautiful!! It was a really cool time; neither of us had ever been there before to see the exhibits, so it worked out wonderfully. We walked through all the Asian-inspired art, the Wedgewood Collection, and of course the special Kimono exhibit. We even looked through the museum shop for our very own kimonos—they were a little pricey, so we didn’t purchase one, but they sure were pretty!

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