Sunday, June 6, 2010

A is for Argo Drive-In

I was responsible for the letter A date, and there was a lot of pressure being first and all. But, after a lot of research on A possibilities (art museum, Amy’s favorite things, etc), I decided on the Argo Drive-in. They just so happened to be showing a movie that we wanted to see—Clash of the Titans. So, it seemed like a good choice. Once we got there, and Ed realized what we were doing, he was very excited. I found out he had never been to a drive-in movie before, and that made it even more special. I packed some sandwiches, snacks, and beverages. We had a couple chairs so we could even sit outside since it felt so nice.

Of course, it started raining just before the movie came on, so we ended up watching from inside the car. It was great—we had a great time, despite the rain. A made us even more excited for the rest of the alphabet!!

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