Monday, June 7, 2010

F is for Free

Just before we left for our F date, Ed told me to come in the kitchen and bring him my purse. Weird…yeah!! I was thinking—is there some clue in my purse? Haha. Well, he told me to take my ID out of my wallet and leave everything else at home because F is for “free”. Ok…hmmm. What the heck can you do for free these days?? First, we went to George Ward Park to play disk golf.

It was so much fun. I even beat him on 1 of the holes, which is pretty good for me! It took about an hour to play 9 holes and drink a beer or two. And, it was so hot, we were both ready to get some air conditioner action by that time! We came home and he made some frozen daiquiris—deee-licious!! After a brief rest inside, we went to the pool, with our refreshing beverages in tow, of course! We both enjoyed the afternoon sun, and even worked on our tans a little. And, for dinner, Ed made fajitas. They were awwwwesome! F was a great date—and it was cheap!! Woot! Woot!

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