Monday, June 7, 2010

F is for Free

Just before we left for our F date, Ed told me to come in the kitchen and bring him my purse. Weird…yeah!! I was thinking—is there some clue in my purse? Haha. Well, he told me to take my ID out of my wallet and leave everything else at home because F is for “free”. Ok…hmmm. What the heck can you do for free these days?? First, we went to George Ward Park to play disk golf.

It was so much fun. I even beat him on 1 of the holes, which is pretty good for me! It took about an hour to play 9 holes and drink a beer or two. And, it was so hot, we were both ready to get some air conditioner action by that time! We came home and he made some frozen daiquiris—deee-licious!! After a brief rest inside, we went to the pool, with our refreshing beverages in tow, of course! We both enjoyed the afternoon sun, and even worked on our tans a little. And, for dinner, Ed made fajitas. They were awwwwesome! F was a great date—and it was cheap!! Woot! Woot!

E is for Espana

June 3, 2010--E was by far the hardest letter I’ve had yet—ok, yeah, I know it’s only the 3rd one I’ve had, but it was much more difficult than I anticipated. After some unhelpful suggestions for friends (exhibitionism…hahaha!) and internet searches that yielded NOTHING, I found a blog where someone else was doing alphabet dates, and they had use Espana. I liked their idea, so I must give these mystery people due credit for their help—I can’t seem to find the same blog again, so I can’t provide names or a web address, but I just can’t take the credit for this idea. I did give it my own spin though! I found that the traditional dish of Spain is Paella, which is a chicken and rice dish with some veggies. It looked good, and somewhat easy to make. I also found an avocado salad recipe that is common in Spain. Now, both of these recipes were originally in Spanish, so I printed them as is, and then (with the handy google) also printed the English translation. I went through the recipes and bought all the ingredients, then printed off miniature Spanish flags, and taped the flags to each ingredient. I thought this would be the easiest way to figure out what ingredients we were working with—like a matching game. I know, it’s lame, but some of the words were difficult and I didn’t want this to take FOREVER. I also purchased some Spanish wine, and made little nametags for the wine glasses.

We made the recipes and DID have to resort to the English translated recipe on step 3 of the paella. It was pretty good when we were done. It could have used some more flavor. I think next time we try it, we’ll use chicken stock instead of water to give it that little something extra. The decorations were cute —Ed said that I was creative, and the dinner was pretty good! That goes down as a win in my book!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

D is for Do Dah Day, Daiquiris and Doughnuts

May 15, 2010--Ed said he had something planned for D that required a weekend (disco, anyone?), but we had plans for about 4 weekends in a row, so he modified his plans. We wanted to take Sweetie to Do Dah Day (hello…3 Ds!!).

It was great—we got lots of free stuff and both decided that we need a big dog. Sweetie seems to get along well with big dogs too, unlike the little ones. There were some Great Danes there that I swear may have really been ponies, but hey…I wanted one!!!

After a really hot day out at the festival, we needed some nice refreshing beverages. And, what do you know—when we got home, Ed made daiquiris. They went really well with the krispy kreme doughnuts he picked up too—hot ones, might I add!!

C is for the Coca-Cola Ferris Wheel

April 30, 2010-- We had planned on going to the Crawfish Boil to see Seether and Theory of a Deadman, annnnd, it just so happened to fall on the week of my C date. I felt like it was a total copout to use Crawfish Boil as my C, but it was the only possibility (my favorite C was coasters, and we could go ride roller coasters, but it was too early in the season for Six Flags to be cooperative with their hours). While reading the Black & White, I noticed that the Coca-Cola Ferris Wheel was going to be at the Crawfish Boil, and if you clipped the ad out, you could get a fast pass to jump the line.

We rode it twice, and had a great time listening to all the music, and eating some yummy food. The second time we rode the ferris wheel, it was a little squeaky, and we were up top of a long time while other people were getting on an off. Both of us got a little freaked out at that point. I was so ready to get off that thing! But, all’s well that ends well and C was fun!

B is for Banana Splits

I had guessed everything I could think of for B (bowling, beverages, baseball, burgers), and I was wrong, wrong, wrong! Then, when we were leaving for the B date, Ed handed me a banana. Really? Are we going to the zoo to feed bananas to the monkeys? Wrong again!

At Brewster’s on Thursdays, you can get banana splits for half price if you bring your own banana!! It was deee-licious! I mean, look at that thing—it’s huge!

Then, because we had to have real food for dinner, we went to Blackwell’s Pub for a burger. And, it was great as always. B was great—I thought it was way better than my A.

A is for Argo Drive-In

I was responsible for the letter A date, and there was a lot of pressure being first and all. But, after a lot of research on A possibilities (art museum, Amy’s favorite things, etc), I decided on the Argo Drive-in. They just so happened to be showing a movie that we wanted to see—Clash of the Titans. So, it seemed like a good choice. Once we got there, and Ed realized what we were doing, he was very excited. I found out he had never been to a drive-in movie before, and that made it even more special. I packed some sandwiches, snacks, and beverages. We had a couple chairs so we could even sit outside since it felt so nice.

Of course, it started raining just before the movie came on, so we ended up watching from inside the car. It was great—we had a great time, despite the rain. A made us even more excited for the rest of the alphabet!!