Thursday, February 10, 2011

V is for Vaulting

I am a huge fan of anything Alabama. So, Ed's choice for V was a great one in my opinion. He got tickets to an Alabama gymnastice meet for us. He'd never been to a gymnastics meet anywhere, so it was a great experience for him too! We had a great time. We even joined the Rewards Program so that everytime we got to a sporting event on campus, we get a point. After each 10 points, you get a prize!! Very exciting! The meet we went to for this date was Alabama vs. Boise State. We had great seats. Buuuut, we never caught a tshirt which was a real bummer--I'm going to need them to throw more of those next time! Lol. Alabama won by over a point, and we both really enjoyed ourselves, so it was a win all the way around!

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